What’s THE hardest part of the job search? That’s easy, it’s not getting discouraged. How do you handle the discouragement, frustration, and sense of no control?
Here are 3 tips:
1. Have an objective sounding board: Find a friend, parent, career counselor, mentor, sibling- - someone to be your “objective” sounding board through the process. This is not an easy job, so maybe you can do it for each other. This person will listen and empathize, and then help you understand that... it’s a numbers game, there are similar companies you could target, you are great, any company would be lucky to get you…. And after that you may want to buy them a spiced pumpkin latte.
2. Develop a multi-pronged job search plan: As referenced above, there are probably more companies to target, other industries and jobs to look into, new ways to network, etc. Take the time to proactively update and expand your Job Search plan; you will feel more in control and will create more options.
3. Practice a “Positive-Self" mantra: Sometimes you just have to focus on the positives: your strengths, skills, and personal attributes. Keep your mindset focused and positive with your own version of a mantra, such as “I am a kind, happy person. I enjoy creative problem solving and have a strong work ethic. I am going to stay focused on the positives.” Now go buy yourself a spiced pumpkin latte with extra whipped cream- - you deserve it :)
Know someone frustrated in their job or job search? Please share this post with them. Have your own anti-frustration tips? Please add them here- - we all can benefit!
Here are 3 tips:
1. Have an objective sounding board: Find a friend, parent, career counselor, mentor, sibling- - someone to be your “objective” sounding board through the process. This is not an easy job, so maybe you can do it for each other. This person will listen and empathize, and then help you understand that... it’s a numbers game, there are similar companies you could target, you are great, any company would be lucky to get you…. And after that you may want to buy them a spiced pumpkin latte.
2. Develop a multi-pronged job search plan: As referenced above, there are probably more companies to target, other industries and jobs to look into, new ways to network, etc. Take the time to proactively update and expand your Job Search plan; you will feel more in control and will create more options.
3. Practice a “Positive-Self" mantra: Sometimes you just have to focus on the positives: your strengths, skills, and personal attributes. Keep your mindset focused and positive with your own version of a mantra, such as “I am a kind, happy person. I enjoy creative problem solving and have a strong work ethic. I am going to stay focused on the positives.” Now go buy yourself a spiced pumpkin latte with extra whipped cream- - you deserve it :)
Know someone frustrated in their job or job search? Please share this post with them. Have your own anti-frustration tips? Please add them here- - we all can benefit!